Byers Peak

Friday, December 17, 2010

Get Thee Up Into the High Mountains

Dad was listening to "The Messiah" this morning and passed on the words from the Aria he was listening too. We're a bundle of emotions - sad to leave some really good friends, an awesome neighborhood (rated Columbia's best kept secret for safety and property value according to a friend of ours, told to him by the local sherrif's office - can you believe it?), a great group of people in our house church, a precious homeschool community - but also totally excited about what lies ahead. Mountains Gandalf, I want to see mountains!

Our move west moves closer with every passing day. At 7:50 this morning the moving truck arrived and we've been busy loading the boxes ever since. Tomorrow we have some family and friends arriving to help with the furniture. Among them, three engineers. As my brother-in-law Sharkey said, they may not get anything loaded because they'll be standing around trying to decide how to do it exactly. Still no sign of Cameron. We're all holding our breath for Monday - thankfully Heather is over her stomach bug (I think, right Heather?).

So, our move west happens on the 25th when we head to NC and then we have a three day trip. And, drum roll please - we have a home!! We're so excited. And we have room for guests - and more than one bathroom!!! I'm just tickled pink! :) We'll be housesitting in a home close to Timberline so it is somewhat temporary I think, but hey, we'll have a place to go to. It's actually in the picture above - to the left of the rising sun. Hard to see - but it's there. We had two people come and look at the house here today and ask for your continuing prayers that it will sell as soon as possible.

My father-in-law fell on ice yesterday and broke his ankle in three places. He should be coming out of surgery as I type this - they were inserting a plate. So we've been in prayer for him throughout the afternoon.
Well, signing off for now!

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