Ever notice how we seem to have to learn the same lessons over and over and over again? I have friends who have been through multiple job losses, others who have lost several loved ones, and still others who deal with several difficult close relationships. The Lord repeats certain lessons in our life as well - one of them is the uncertainty of our home life. This seems to be a Timberline theme as staff housing has been an issue since it's conception back in 1995.
So here we are again! :) We have to move out fairly quickly, and to put it frankly, affordable housing in Grand County is very difficult to find. Would you join us in this urgent prayer? We're looking for a home for the family that would provide space to host our Family Group of students, covenant group, staff etc, out of town guests, is close enough to Timberline to allow us to be able to continue to serve the students and staff, and would also provide some stability if possible. The kids are entering their teenage years now and have not experienced much stability when it comes to our living accommodations. My Mom's heart longs for a place where we can stay a while, space for the kids to explore/run/be outside, room for a little self-expression (pictures etc.) in their little spaces etc.). But I also know that sometimes the Lord calls us to live more transient lives here on earth and not dig down our roots too deeply. So really, we just want what He wants for us.
Please also pray for our current landlords, the Mohrmann family (the picture above was taking from our drive way by our friends and Asheville, NC - based professional photographers -
Meriah and Michael Mozingo!). The Mohrmann's really need to sell this house. We're all seeking the Lord together on direction and housing etc.
Celebrate Recovery
A brief note about Celebrate Recovery - we attended the Summit in California last week and left with information overload - as is often the case at these meetings. A few thoughts that have stuck with me....there are two kinds of people, those in recovery and those in denial.....therefore we should be mindful of thinking of people with addictions as "Those" people. I was struck by the attendees and the variety of walks of life and backgrounds. The Lord uses all kinds of people in His kingdom, rich, poor, those who seem to have it "together" (whatever that means) and those who absolutely don't! I was struck by the honesty that those in the recovery process live with. No hiding the ugly, no pretending, just "this is who I am apart from Jesus - and this is how Jesus has saved me." What freedom!
Reid and I celebrated our 16th anniversary while in CA. We spontaneously booked an Ueber car to Laguna Beach and enjoyed seeing the Pacific Ocean for a change! What an unexpected treat!
Staff Retreat
Our flight home was delayed and we had to catch another plane the next day. This meant we didn't get to say good-bye to my sister Julie who left early that morning. We're super thankful for our friend Christine and the Hammond Family for keeping the kids after Julie had to head to the airport. Our late return gave us only a few hours to pack and head back out to Mt. Elim Bible camp for our annual Timberline staff retreat. The kids especially LOVE this retreat. Ian's favorite are all the games we play as a staff (Kubb tournaments, Settlers, Dominion etc.), the girls love playing with the other staff kids. As a staff we get to reconnect on Walk-N-Talks, be encouraged in The Word (Dan shared on discipleship this time), and we find out who our covenant partners/students will be for the coming year and pray for all the students arriving in just a few weeks.
Well - signing off on this week's update. Thank you for your prayers!! Praying for our friends and family all around the globe as the sun sets this evening in CO. We love you!