Byers Peak

Monday, February 21, 2011

Mary Jane/Galloping Goose

Well, blogger is messing up on me again, so this won't be very attractive and come in bits and pieces but I'll give it a try. God gave us an amazing gift this weekend - cheap or free equipement, free lift and a beautiful day with our friend and ski instructor Rachel Black (Rachel is the wife of Zane Black - both are on staff here at Timberline and Zane is one of the keynote speakers at the Dare2Share youth conferences). Such a sweet new friend and what a blessing to have her with us. Here a few pictures of the kids at Mary Jane (I thought about posting my facebook status as "Mary Jane is really amazing" - but thought the better of it - that's best read in context! :) Mary Jane is a part of Winter park resort - just to clarify! :) We do live in Colorado but some things remain off limits! :)

So here are a few pictures of the kids getting on the lift and coming down. Ian amazed us - just taking off on his own. We have no idea how many times he went up and down - and this was only his 2nd time on a snowboard.

I don't know who that dude in the forground is - but that's Ian coming down the hill - the little dot in center! :)

Reid and Julie-Joy going up

Reid and Julie-Joy coming down....

And Julie-Joy coming down on her own! :)

And Ian going up on his own! :) He really enjoyed some MAJOR freedom and independence on Saturday! :)


  1. love it! it is always fun to find the "mary jane's" of a new place :). blessings to you.
