Ian getting snowboarding lessons outside...and some father-son bonding time! :)
Hi all - it's been quiet for a little while and high time for an update. We've enjoyed slowly becoming more involved and that means busy as well. We're attending some classes at church on Sundays to learn more about the background/history/theology of Winter Park Christian Church and that's been a great way to get to know some of the members.
In addition we try to eat at least one or two meals a week with the students and staff at Timberline, attend all-community worship on Tuesdays (where we get to hear staff and students take turns sharing their Faith stories), and I'm enjoying one-on-one tea-time with the students and ladies on staff as well. Tomorrow evening (Sunday) we're having movie night here at the house and are looking forward to having a good group here to watch Bella. These are all great opportunities to build relationships and just let the students know that we're here and we're available. As is the case each year, a couple of the students have been struggling and the staff could really use your prayers for wisdom in decision making and in the words to say. In addition this is the time that guest groups come in on the weekends and the students help coordinate program activities and lead worship as a part of their learning at Timberline. It's a great way for them to pass on to others what they are learning in the classroom and in their own personal relationship with Jesus.
The kids are doing great. Ian participated in jumproap for heart day at school and is memorizing lines for the 5th grade school play coming up. Two elementary schools (including Fraser) will be closing it looks like and all elementary school students will be going to Granby. We're not sure how we feel about the middleschool yet and are praying about what next year needs to look like for Ian and the kids. There are many families now also considering homeschooling so this might be a great opportunity to start a more formal homeschool group involving a co-op or even Classical conversations. It could also be a great opportunity to build relationships with families in the area. Some moms are considering putting together an informational meeting on homeschooling at the library. The girls are both doing great in school and it's been helpful to me (Jen) to be able to focus on their needs this semester.
We're looking forward to having my (Jen's) parents here in a few weeks as well as possibly some friends and are excited to share our home, Timberline and the mountains with them. We're told that mudseason starts in April and runs through the end of May. Apparently the local Subway even closes for this time of year as it just can get kind of nasty.
For those of you who have been praying for our housing situation - our landlord told us not too long ago that we will most likely be able to stay in the house for a few more months. We're thankful for the good relationship we have with Diane and pray that our staying here would be a blessing to her and her family. She is a sweet lady. Our home in Columbia is now for sale with a realtor and listed online. Let us know if you know of anyone who would be interested!
Please be in prayer for our director and his wife, Dan and Sarah Thomas. It seems that little Judah who is due in 6 weeks, is having some trouble growing. Sarah's baby shower was today and she looks great but I know in the midst of a busy ministry schedule this semester, the health and safety of this little one is foremost on hers and Dan's mind.
Well, I'm going to sign off for now - let us hear from you all and how we can be praying for you.
Thanks for the update. We'll be sure to avoid April and May with you guys then!
Jenna and Julie Joy look so cute with their new haircuts. What fun to read all your posts and catch up on all your adventures1