Ok, these loaded backwards, so ....we'll just have to think backwards! :) But we had a blast today going cross-country skiing at the Y where rentals and lessons are free for the kids on Fridays - the teachers is awesome and the kids have a blast. She has the sweetest dog that takes the kids for rides as well. He is so well behaved! (I just wrote that last paragraph before I added the three pictures on the top...blogger is really confusing me!)
wipe out! :)
So tonight is Reid's and my first date night since being here. We were going to get a bunch of stuff done today as far as licences etc. are concerned but called ahead (thankfully) and the person (note, there is only 1) who handles that was not in today! :) So funny. So - we work on that another day. Then I was going to go to the library - but it closes at 3 on Fridays....sometimes I feel like I'm in a time warp! :) We got an incredible amount of snow this week and the plow has broken down so our drive hasn't been great and we (and others) have gotten stuck numerous times) - you just drift off into the snow if you vear a little to far to one side - and Reid was up to his waist deep in snow with a shovel getting the us and someone else out yesterday. Pretty amazing what all accumulates.
So - I promise that the next post will be about something other than snow - but we're learning that to live here means, you live and deal with the snow 24/7. But there is still so much more going on and we look forward to sharing that with you all as well.
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