Byers Peak

Thursday, March 31, 2011


I just realized that there is a great page about our bibleschool online - including pictures of our current group of students. I just had the privilege of speaking during women's class - an uplifting session on Depressed Women in the Bible and what they did about it! :) Ha! What a neat group of young ladies. This webpage also tells a little about what our students do on a daily basis. Wanted to share a glimpse into daily life here at TImberline and the changes God is making in the hearts and lives of these young people. I love their openness, their freedom to ask good and hard questions. And I'm thankful for Reid who came home to stay with the girls this morning and pray!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Reid and my parents reminded me that it's not good to leave blogs quiet for too long so I'm following through this afternoon. A pot of soup is on the stove and we're watching Kentucky and UNC chewing our nails in the process.... What a treat its been to have Mom and Dad here since Wednesday. We've had fun with cups of tea and scrabble. Wish I could have had the opportunity to sit in on Dad's lectures on Missions but the timing wasn't good for the kiddos etc. Instead we have fun trecking around with Mom. Friday (when all Grand County kids and teachers and homeschooling parents ski for free), we headed to Sol Vista. Reid had the afternoon off and so we were able to take both Ian and Julie-Joy up and the four of us get in some skiing while Jenna took a nap on Omi's lap down at "base camp." It was neat watching Ian and Julie-Joy tear up the mountain! :) Ok, it was the easy slope but it was a treat nonetheless. We started back with Family Breakfast (at Zane and Rachel's) and All-Community Worship on Tuesday. It was a challenge and encouragement to hear Jim R's and Steve P's testimonies. Another reminder of the awesome staff we are privileged to serve alongside. The students really are surrounded by a neat group of people and Jim in particular (since he serves as the cook at Timberline) has a tremendous influence on the students as he works with them directly on a daily basis. This week was missions focus at Timberline and on Friday they had a special "world meal" - where one or two students got a REALLY good meal, a few more got a "sorta-good-meal" and the rest of the students got to eat a little rice and bread. I'm curious to hear the feedback on that one. Well, signing off for now. Last night with Mom and Dad and looking forward to Dan and Sarah joining us for supper with their girls. Uh-Oh, still 65-62 Kentucky....ok UNC you can do this!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

This week in Fraser! :)

So, Blogger wouldn't let me post the newsletter with the pictures via copy/paste and rather than type it up - I posted it on Facebook and if you want to read it with pictures, send me your email address and I'll email it to you.

In the mean time all is well. The girls have joined a gymnastics class and are having fun with that. Ian is in the midst of CSAP testing and we're in the middle of trying to decide what next year needs to look like for him - if we pull him back home or enroll him at Winter Park Christian School...he would prefer the latter and in some ways that would be the route to go, but God would have to provide for that.

I had a meeting with several other homeschool Mom's to discuss Classical Conversations and we're looking forward to getting together in a couple of weeks for another meeting to talk about what that can look like in our community.

The 2nd group of students has returned from their missions trip to Mexico, so that means next week we jump back, full swing, into classes, family breakfasts, covenant groups, and all community worship. Reid and Dan drove down to Denver to pick them up from the airport and the reunion with the other half of the students at supper time last night was fun to watch. The kids have really enjoyed getting to know the students these past couple of months and have enjoyed the couple of times several of them have come over to babysit - Scootch and Jessica and Megan and Lauren - and many others, are names I hear regularly spoken of around the house! :) The staff too are quickly endearing themselves to the hearts of our kids and we're so thankful for this.

Mudseason is fast approaching and our drive way and the road leading up to the lodge turns into soup every afternoon. Our galoshes will come in very handy over the next few months. We've starting to reach temperatures in the 50's on sunny afternoons, though nighttimes still dip below freezing (the AVERAGE temperature in Fraser is afterall 32 degrees - I get the feeling that means that summer nights can get a little chilly). We've had so much snow this year that the resorts have extended ski season for an extra week. There are still several feet of snow all around the house - plenty of snow for Mom and Dad to get a feel for winter when they arrive next week! :)

So that's the latest from Fraser. Let us hear from you! :)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What's going on! :)

Hi everyone - sorry things have been a little quiet here. We are doing well though and will work hard to get our newsletter up and posted by this weekend. Things keep coming up - as always! :) We're excited to have our firsts guests coming in at the end of the month - Jen's parents. We're also looking forward to having a friend from our home church in NC - Rehoboth Baptist Church - join us here on summer staff. Thomas Jones was in the singles group that we led at Rehoboth, a neat young man from a precious family and we're delighted to have friend from home join us here at Timberline.

Reid is staying incredibly busy and is feeling more comfortable with his new responsibilities. Having done payroll and various things now a few times in a row, those things are going faster. Half of the students have returned from their missions trip to Mexico and the other half left at the beginning of the week. So these have been a couple of off weeks with extra days off as well as extra work days for the students. One of the things they do is supply wood to needy families and widows in the area. They also chop wood for staff - the other day, Rob (who is head of maintenane) and bunch of bibleschool students dropped off a truck load of wood for us the other day to replenish or quickly diminishing stack! What a blessing! It's actually much cheaper to heat our home here than it was in SC in spite of the fact that we have more space and it's a lot colder! We usually have a fire going in the living room at all times throughout the day.

Our whole family enjoys sharing meal times with the students and we try to eat at the lodge for supper at least 2x a week. This saves us some on our grocery bill, but more than that it's a great time to catch up with the other staff and keep up with what is going on with the students. The kids especially enjoy seeing the students. Last night as we were coming home they informed us that they had had had a huge ping pong ball fight in the basement with Zane (staff) and Daniel (student).

The girls have started taking gymnastics with some other homeschoolers at the local rec center, something we've wanted to do for years. For whatever reason they offer extremely affordable classes here and we were all excited to learn about this. We have applied for a scholarship to the rec center with our family so if that goes through it would be the perfect time to also get in some exercise while the girls are busy and Ian is at school. Ian's school play went very well and he has even asked to join the school choir now. His schooling for this coming year is great matter of prayer for us right now.

Well, time to get back to history lessons - I think we're continuing with the Roman Empire today! :) The other day we studied Native Americans and had fun building a little "igloo" in our front yard.

Blessings from all of us