So, a few people and family members have asked what our day looks like now that we've moved. It has changed quite a bit from before and this'll be fun - for me anyway! And probably not too interesting for anyone else but family members, but here we go. Every day is different but here's kind of what we aim for:
5:30 Jen is up working for Dawn (I tried having quiet time earlier and the truth is, I think my Father prefers for me to wait until I'm wider awake - just not there yet as 5:30 is pretty early for me anyway for those that know my past struggles with sleep) - http://www.dawnsmithjordan.com/
So Reid gets up sometime around then too, gets a fire going in the fireplace downstairs and even brings Jen a cup of tea (I know! WHAT A GUY!).
6:15 Kids get up, eat breakfast, Ian gets ready for school Reid has some quiet time with them
7:15 Reid and Ian leave for school which starts at 7:30 and then Reid head over to Timberline
8:00 Jen is done working, answers some emails, gets ready for the day, cleans up the kitchen, while the girls start spelling online and practice Geography and Math multiplication tables (or in Jenna's case, she practices addition).
Reid's day varies but of course he's busy with budget, payroll, all kinds of things, and many, many staff meetings, impartations, staff devotions etc.. Monday or Tuesday (depending on what's going on in the school year), we also have Family Breakfast at 8:00 and then All-Community worship with all the staff and students at 10:00am where we have a time of worship and then staff members and students take turns sharing their Faith Stories and how God has brought them to where they are now.
If we're not joining All Community worship, Jen and the girls work away on homework, math, writing, history, science. Sometimes a student or lady staff member will come over for a cup of tea after lunch and a chat.
Wednesdays the girls have gymnastics in the afternoon
3:15 - one of us leaves to get Ian from school and run errands in town
4:00 - we're back home, snack time and then homework and time to practice piano and review Latin
5:45 is supper at Timberline and we generally eat there with the students a couple of times a week. The kids absolutely love this time and get to catch up with their friends (other staff kids).
We have the opportunity to attend lectures in the evenings if we want to (the students are in lectures in the morning and evening), and Reid's already taken advantage of that this week with Jim Wildman being in town and teaching on the book of James. We hope to take turns from time to time in the future - and it's something I enjoyed doing as a teenager at Klostermuehle and Bodenseehof, so I look forward to the kids maybe doing the same one day! :)
We're early to bedders these days so the kids are in bed by 7:30 and we're heading there around 8:30 or 9:00 ourselves.
Fridays the schedule is different as Grand County schools are out and the ski resorts provide free lift passes during the winter. We cover piano lessons and latin lessons in the mornings and then do our best to get to Winter Park or Sol Vista after lunch for a few hours of PE! :)
Saturdays are our days to clean the house, work around outside (shoveling snow). We haven't been to Denver as a family since we moved here in January, which is a bit unusual I think, but having been small buisness owners, we're huge supporters of buying locally when possible, so we tend to stick around. Once the weather warms up we're looking forward to exploring a little more and maybe finding a good fishing spot for the Reid and Ian.
We're also looking ahead to some possible camping trips with the students and staff for debriefing and also for the staff to have a time to draw together and just see how everyone is doing. Never been camping before...could be interesting!
Sundays we're enjoying attending Winter Park Christian Church and have been participating in the Life and Legacy class (essentially their membership class, though WPCC has no membership). So, that's life in a nutshell.
I'm always reminded that no matter what you do, or where you live, there is this aspect of the ordinary, the daily grind so-to-say, that doesn't escape anyone. There are days that I just want to do something different, days when the day-to-day gets to me, days when I don't see the mountains in front of me, I'm sad to say! :( But God constantly brings us back to the place of reminding us that it's not about where we are or what we're doing. I can be downtown LA and be perfectly at peace or on top of Mt. Everest and perfectly miserable (I probably would be if I attempted that). What it comes down to is the indwelling Life of Christ IN us, the source of joy no matter what our circumstances. The normal Christian life, Major called it. May you have a normal day today! :)
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