I think this was right after Dan and Aaron decided to roll down the hill together holding on to each other's heels...I don't think they got very far...
Jenna, who doesn't exactly enjoy walking long distances, was such a trooper climbing the dunes! :)
The students - throwing themselves down the dunes, cartwheeling and surfing and who knows what else!
Sweet little Julie-Joy - had SUCH a blast!
All bundled up for the night - the kids are somewhere under there!! The stars at the camp were breathtaking - since you could see so far and there were no city lights in sight. No pictures though! :(
Jenna and Niah (Thomas) - they are precious together, telling each other stories and playing make-believe. We had fun listening to "The Magician's Nephew" by CS Lewis on the way home while Julie-Joy enjoyed traveling with Keelan for a little while. I wanted to get some pictures with the Hammonds and the rest of the Thomas family and staff but time got away from us. Hopefully graduation day will be a good time for pictures! :)
So - all that to say, if you have a chance to visit the Sand Dunes near Alamosa - DO!! And yes, we're looking forward to going camping again! :)
I wrote the following and had it before the pictures - somehow it's popping up afterwards and I can't figure out how to copy and paste:
We just retured yesterday evening from our first (EVER!!!) camping trip. And when the Dales attempt to do something new they do it right! ;) It was in the 20's and 30's at night (that's below freezing for my European friends). But we had a truly wonderful time. The kids loved having some extended time with their friends, the Thomas and Hammond kids, and a bunch of students also blessed us by spending time playing with them and making our first camping experience a truly wonderful one.
The driv down to the Sand Dunes was breattaking - past some of the Rocky's highest mountains (the three collegiates, Mt. Princeton, Mt. Harvard, Mt. Yale eg. are over 14,000 feet). The sanddunes themselves made Reid and I think that God decide to do some sweeping and just swept up a "little" (30 square miles I think) sandpile over in a corner. It's a very unique National Park - and well worth the trip. The 5 hour drive passed so quickly as there was so much to see along the way and we stopped in Frisco (near Breckenridge) and several other places along the way to get to know our new homestate a little better. The pictures below don't do the trip justice - but I know grandparents and aunts and uncles will have fun seeing a little of what we got to experience along the way.
wow, so BEAUTIFUL! Absolutely breathtaking. Seriously, you guys live in one of the most remarkable places on earth! You're so blessed.
When you come to visit, tell us where you want to go and we'll make some road trips! :) Of course Grand County is pretty beautiful in and of itself! We are indeed very blessed - but it's amazing and sad how quickly you can loose sight of the views around you when things are weighing on your heart...learning again that no matter where you live, unless there is joy in your heart, nothing on the outside, no substitute and no views, can sustain joy over time. So thankful to know our Savior!!!