Byers Peak

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Various Pictures and Brief Update

Well, I'm not sure how it happened, but it seems the blog was somehow hacked as I just found a weird soccer post of some kind. I deleted it but in case you checked in and wondered what in the world was going on, just know that we wondered the same! :) Just goes to show I should check into the blog more often! :)

Things have been so busy here these last few weeks though as we've had family in town again - Mom and Dad Brasher - as well as JULIE who has just recently returned from Africa for a year. In addition we've been getting ready for school. Through some very generous gifts for Ian's schooling we've been able to enroll him in the local Christian Classical school at the church we attend and he is LOVING it - his first comment every day is "I can't wait to go back tomorrow!" Don't know many 6th graders that love school but it says a lot for the school and for Matt Murdoch, his teacher - and former Timberline staffer! Ian told me he is most excited that he is in a school again that teaches history and since there are only two 6th graders (they combine 5th and 6th grade for the most part), he is enjoying some virtual one-on-one tutoring for Math and Writing (he does struggle some in Math). Ian is happy and therefore we all are! :)

The girls are also back in school now as we started homeschooling again last week and we had our first day of Classical Conversations on Thursday as well. I think it went well and even though the numbers are low, it's a good group to start out with and we hope it will grow in days, months etc. to come. Bibleschool starts this coming week with students arriving on Wednesday. We have a large family group this year and are looking forward to getting to know the students better, praying that we'll be able to continue to stay in this house for the time being as the space really is ideal for the large family group we'll be having breakfast with every other week and everything else going on.

Our house in Columbia is really weighing heavily on us and we would really appreciate your prayers for it's sale or rental. There is some upkeep (yardwork, painting) etc. that we need to have done and some days it is easy to be discouraged about the current housing market. We know we are not the only ones in this boat.

Well, I finally downloaded some pictures from our camera so up they go - they're a mixture of all kinds of things.

We went over Trailridge to Estes Park to see my Uncle Phil and Aunt Lenora together with Mom, Dad, and Julie - and here are some pictures taken along the way.

Julie-Joy and Jenna so happy to get to spend some time with Aunt Julie again after two and a half years! :) We wouldn't have dreamed that we would see her again in Colorado when we said good-bye to her the last time!

Some pictures from Ian's graduation from 5th Grade at Fraser Valley Elementary School.

Reid's sister Susie and her family were up during that time and we had a blast showing them around our new home! :)

So - since God has enable us to remain in this home longer than we had even dared to hope, we've decided that we can't keep living with a "temporary" mindset and have taken down some of our landlords things and put up things from home! :) One of the things are the curtains/valances. We had some family members ask for pictures so here you go! :) Diane did come and get a BUNCH of her furniture (including all the guestroom furniture - which is now EMPTY!! Glad we had all the family in town while it was still there). So you'll recognize some of the pieces that we've replaced things with.

These are blurry - sorry about that! :( But here are the German curtains - just for you June! :) You can't see'em real well though! :( The left corner now has my Dad's cabinet that he made to replace the black one that Diane took out. We also put the love-seat that was in the masterbedroom downstairs to replace the couch that they took with them. So this picture looks really wide open as it was before we put the other items back downstairs! :)

Yours truly finally did something more drastic about the gray and got a much needed haircut. Actually there is going to be more gray visible from now on - it'll just blend in better. SO thankful to have found a good hairdresser up here!!! :)
Well, that's all for now folks. I had better sign off and make sure the girls are occupied on this lovely Saturday afternoon. I went for a walk this morning and as I was coming home a mama and baby coyote crossed the road a little ways ahead of me! Amazing to watch!! There was not a cloud in the sky and the quiet/solitude, bright blue sky and fresh crisp air (40 degrees this morning) was just what the doctor ordered... :) Let us hear from you!!!

1 comment:

  1. loved all the pictures! We're praying for your house to sell soon!
