1. The staff made it through (and thrived through!) the first two weeks of summer guest group season! Praise the Lord for Wooddale - what a wonderful group of 9th graders from Minneapolis, MN! They are always a blessing to the staff as well - this time they washed our cars and baby sat our kids again etc!
2. Thanks to her little friend Niah, Jenna learned to ride a bike this week! ("and it only took Niah ten minutes Mom!!") I'm also deeply thankful for fellow staff members and staff moms and friends who
are just as excited as I am about Jenna learning to ride a bike! You, dear friends, are such a blessing to me! You know who you are!
3. Vacation Bible School at Winter Park Christian Church - the kids LOVE it. Ian really got to help out this year and was a part of the play (he is a robot and loving every minute of his time on stage and with the kids!).
4. Affordable summer sports activities! Julie-Joy has joined the swim team for the summer, Jenna is taking swimming lessons to improve and Ian is taking some golfing lessons.
6. A friend who gave countless hours of his time and helped us fix the dent in our truck (and taught Ian some body-shop lessons in the process!). Something we were not planning to be able to fix! That
same friend got us set up with another friend who tuned our piano for free! And that same friend is giving our kids free guitar lessons! I don't know that I've encountered many people as generous with their time as this friend and his wife! What a blessing! I have been praying for that piano to get tuned for several years now! Thankful that the Lord cares about the "little" things!!
(the snow pictures were taken in January - didn't want to confuse anyone! :) I need to make a mental note to take some more recent pictures of Reid! :) We do still have some snow left on the mountain peaks but spring has definitely arrived in Colorado! Thankful for the beautiful weather!!)
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