... bright petunias and humming birds outside our apartment door
...quiet cups of tea with Jesus and the times when the Lord makes scripture passages come alive in our hearts
... daisies and purple lupines popping up everywhere around the house

... Lillian drinking two Capri Suns at supper time (we have struggled to get her to drink even a drop
of liquid for two months now and it appears she has developed a huge aversion for milk, so you know that's a big deal!)
....hearing Jenna laughing really hard
...watching Julie-Joy sew up a storm on my sewing machine (a friend once described her as Pigpen from Peanuts - she really does seem to have a cloud of dust - or a trail of STUFF - following her as she runs everywhere she goes! :) She is definitely our fun-loving, creative one! :)
... watching Ian's face light up when Lillian tries to get his attention
... seeing a beaver, a huge porcupine, deer, and a moose on one of our evening walks
...those fleeting moments when the house is clean :)
...eating fresh corn - and enjoying the fruits of our "putting-corn-up-labor"
... short notes from former students and their parents, that remind us that their encounters with Jesus here have eternal impacts.
And little things add up, like raindrops forming into a pool of water...and the more we remember how much there is to be grateful for, the more grumbling or anxious spirits dissipate and are replaced by rejoicing and praise. "Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice." A double commandment. And if we love Him we will keep His commandments.
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