He came walking up the jet way with a big smile on his face and his sisters started jumping up and down smiling and waving at him. It's been so great to have Ian back after 7 weeks of travel - we're thankful for the opportunity he had to go and see and experience the life of believers in other countries and get a taste for what it means to follow Jesus in very challenging settings. We're especially thankful for the wonderful people he was able to observe and spend extended time with. He certainly has a very unique perspective and will be processing everything he has experienced for the rest of his life.
He brought back a gazillion pictures of interesting things...like light switches and temperature gages, ceiling fans, curtains, bathrooms, etc.! :) So we're thankful for Opa who had more

to add! :) Though all the pictures included here are ones that Ian took or were on his camera. There is so much that he saw and much we could write about - but it will be best to simply hear it from him in person, so if you have the time to do so, feel free to pull him aside and chat with him. Of course he may not yet be able to put it into words. (above, Omi, Opa and Ian in a rickshaw, to the right Ian with Omi and the English class at the orphanage where they taught in the mornings).
Thank you for praying for him and for his grandparents traveling with him (I think they
survived and maybe even thrived spending 7 weeks with a teenager in close quarters! :) - and thank you for praying for his parents as well! :)
Here at home we had a sweet Christmas Season and enjoyed having friends over for great conversation, lot's of laughs, a rousing game of Apples-to-Apples on Christmas Day - as well as a wonderful Christmas Eve celebration at church with back-to-back services where the girls and I were able to participate in the service and Reid and Lillian helped with food and greeting etc! It was a truly delightful Christmas together at home and we especially enjoyed the break from construction (which is scheduled to begin again on Saturday - this time with the kitchen, which our landlord hopes to have completed by the time this baby girl arrives. It will be truly lovely when it's completed so we're looking forward to that - but you have to go through the hard process to get there).
Above all we're thankful for the Lord Jesus, Emmanuel, Our God With Us and all that this means to our hearts and lives...He IS our life! May the Lord bless you as you walk with Him into and through this New Year, 2015!
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