Byers Peak

Thursday, May 29, 2014

And when we're not at Timberline?

We really do actually have a life outside of Timberline as well so I thought I'd take this week's blog post to share a little about our life.

As a family, we attend the Saturday evening service at Winter Park Christian Church.  This past year Reid became the Awanas Commander at WPCC and Ian helped with Cubbies. In addition, Reid is helping the church kick off the Celebrate Recovery program and we're looking forward to a trip to Saddleback Church in California this summer to attend the training together.  My (Jennifer's) role in this will be small but I want to be available should any needs arise for ladies that need some discipleship. Reid is really excited about being a part of this as addiction recovery is a huge heartbeat of his life (He has been leading the student outreach to the Denver Rescue Mission each year).  Reid also just finished the LIT (Leaders In Training) program - a three year program meeting once a month with our pastor and other men in the church. I've always been encouraged by the things He has learned and shared with me when he would come home from these meetings.

When we moved out here, we did not have much time to work on support raising, and so we're particularly thankful for the other ways in which the Lord has provided for our family at this time. We do have some supporters and two supporting churches for which we are deeply, deeply thankful! Some of our supporters have had to drop out or down this year, so we're particularly thankful for the part-time employment opportunities such as tutoring Classical Conversations Essentials class again this upcoming year, which helps Jenna (who is homeschooled) to be able to participate in CC. I'm also leading worship during the Saturday night service - something I've enjoyed a tremendous amount. My fellow team members Dan (on a 12 string guitar!), Brett (sound and even vocals on occasion!), Steph (guitar and vocals!) and Tracy (vocals!), are such a blessing to work with and what a joy to play instruments, sing and worship the Lord together!

We're grateful to the Lord for His continued provision through Dawn Smith Jordan Ministries. I work 10 hours a week scheduling Dawn's concerts (usually early in the mornings - 6:30-9:00am as most of our contacts are on the east coast - Reid is able to take care of Lillian during this time and during the school year he gets the kids up, fixes breakfast and lunches etc. and takes Ian and Julie-Joy to school while Jenna gets started on her school work at home). Hard to believe this is now my 7th year. By the way, if you're interested in learning more about Dawn - her website is and she is available for women's conferences, retreats, nights out etc., as well as church wide concerts. She travels all over the country doing this, speaking and singing at more than 75 events a year! (She is one busy lady!!!) And I know someone who can help you with the scheduling process! :) Dawn is very talented at what she does and she has been a blessing to me and to our family. We're very thankful for the opportunity the Lord has provided for me to work as her schedule coordinator.

As a family, we're enjoying the scenery around us, especially now with summer time approaching. So we've been regularly walking around the neighborhood (on our walk last night we saw a huge beaver dam with glimpses of the beaver in the pond, a moose at a distance, a huge porcupine up close, and a beautiful pink and purple's like having our own nature channel! :) The kids love playing with their friends - Jenna's favorite game apparently is "butterflies" - I'm not sure what it is, but it sounds delightful.
Ian and his friends are usually out in a ditch somewhere hunting orcs or hiding from Nazis. Julie-Joy is out today running around in a sprinkler with a friend of hers. Life has been challenging, especially for Julie-Joy, these past few months, so I'm particularly thankful for some quiet, sweet, peaceful summer days and fun afternoons after chores and summer homework assignments are completed! :)

Lillian is starting to babble more and more - and her sweet little "ya-ya-ya's" are just precious. She smiles all the time unless she is hungry or tired really and we're just so thankful for this precious little girl that is only a month away from her 1st birthday already!

Well there is more of course but we'll stick with that for now.  We have some important meetings coming up this weekend and would covet your prayers for our family. And of course we want to know - how can we pray for you?!

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