(forgive me for a more philosophical post this week! :)
We are very thankful to work with a great group of staff here at Timberline. But we're all human, and
those human hurts, jealousies, and thoughts creep in and sometimes we are quick to take offense and slow to forgive. It is escalated/elevated I think in situations and seasons when stress levels are high and financial resources are low. We're normal human beings who have thoughts like:
- why does that person get to take time off when I'm working my tail end off to meet this deadline
- how is it that that family gets their financial needs met so quickly and easily
- I wish I connected as easily with students as so-and-so does
- I wish I had so-and-so's giftedness/abilities
- so-n-so seems to have a much healthier marriage/family life/dynamic
- I wish I could communicate as effectively as so-and-so
These differences exist in unhealthy as well as healthy communities - the difference is that in healthy communities, differences are hashed out in hard conversations - with lot's of grace and forgiveness. Would you pray for Timberline and the staff - that we would be unified (just as Jesus prayed - unified in agape love for each other), that we would be sensitive to those seasons and times when different staff members are struggling and hurting, that we wouldn't be afraid to enter into each other's hurt and pain but come along side each other and walk together? That we each would always turn to the Lord first with our thoughts and fears and be reminded of His generosity to each of us as well as His all-sufficiency in our lack. I'm truly thankful for fellow staff members and friends like Sarah, Beth, Melissa, Rachel, (and their husbands) Christine, Steph, Janelle and Emily. We have certainly rejoiced with each other as well as mourned with each other! I am sure I can speak for all of us to say that we covet your prayers for us as a staff this summer - Summer time is a time for us as staff to reconnect as well and we have several work days planned as well as a staff retreat in August.
Family Life:
Our family is heading out for a short three-day cabin/camping trip to the Black Canyon/Gunnison area. We're looking forward to getting away (and hopefully avoiding the Norovirus that the staff has so generously shared with each other), and seeing the beauty of God's creation. We also need time to reconnect as a couple and as a family after a very challenging family life season. We're needing to talk about what the Lord has laid on our hearts and our hopes and dreams for this summer and coming school year.
Next Friday we have a meeting with a child psychologist in Denver to go over the results of some extensive testing that was done for one of our kiddos who is struggling and we need wisdom to know how to proceed for this dear-one in the coming school year. We're hoping that any forms of therapy that may be necessary would be available up here rather than having to drive to Denver every week.
Thank you for praying for Timberline and for our family - we can think of no greater gift that you can give us!
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